Apostle Barr baptizing a woman in Pakistan.
In Pakistan Christians are under great persecution, discrimination and sometimes face death for their faith. In 2005 Apostle Keith Barr was sent by the Lord to Lahore, Pakistan. When he landed he saw a prayer service at the airport at 5 a.m. with over 500 Muslims who were met for prayer every morning. He realized if they received Jesus and experienced the power of the Holy Spirit they could become a mighty army of prayer warriors for God. He ministered to tens of thousands of people in Pakistan. In a single service over 300 people wanted to make an outward declaration of faith by being baptized. Despite the extreme persecution they face for converting, hundreds gave their lives to Christ.
Skype Services In Pakistan
Since Sept. of 2014 we have reached Pakistan through Skype. We send our teams to different villages and gather crowds were we preach to them and pray for them. The average crowd is about 400 and as the hear the word of God and witness the miracles and healing power of God, around 85% repent and receive Jesus. We have won thousands to Jesus since then.

Apostle Barr praying for a man in Mexico.
After a tremendous service in Mexico where God moved mightily with signs, wonders and miracles this brother came forward and gave a powerful testimony.
In 2015 Apostle Barr was called to Mexico to help bring revival. Over the next three months Apostle and his team preached all over Mexico. Town after town people were healed, saved, and delivered.
We saw many,many miracles. This man below came forward to receive a miracle but got 3.
In 2016 Apostle Barr and a small team from his church were called to Nairobi and Malaba, Kenya. They spent two and a half weeks working with Bishop Paul Mbithi and Pastor Grace Mbithi in New Life Restoration Ministries Headquarters.
During the day Apostle and the team ministered at NLRM, met with Pastors from all over Kenya and Uganda, and prayed for the sick. At night they held meetings in the Kibera Slums. Kibera is the largest urban slum in all of Africa. It is 2.5 square kilometers (1.5 square miles) and estimated between 400,000-1,000,000 people live in this small area. Our meeting was in the Toi Market where thousands of people live and work every single day. Hundreds of people attended the meetings both in NLRM and in the slums. There were so many testimonies of people being healed, their faith being increased, and over 50 people gave their lives to the Lord.
During the last week of the trip Apostle and his team traveled 279 miles south to the border town of Malaba. The people were very grateful that Keith Barr Ministries travelled out that far because missionaries don’t often come to their small town. Many lives were touched and many people were healed.