Pakistan Bible Mission
Apostle Keith Barr ministering the word of God as a member of our team translates into Urdu.
Pakistan Skype Mission:
Since 2014 we have been sending teams of ministers to remote villages in Pakistan. They rent out a space, projectors, mats for the people to sit on, and buses to bring people to the services. Apostle Barr ministers via Skype, and a team member on site translates into Urdu. Thousands have given their lives to Christ in these services. Christians in Pakistan face a lot of persecution. Many work tirelessly for little pay. There are even laws preventing Christians from holding any positions in political office.
Expanding Our Mission:
Since believers face such hardships in poverty, we are raising money so converts can have Bibles of their own for the very first time. In 2020 we were able to purchase 2,500 Bibles in Urdu for the Pakistani people. In 2022 we have already sent in the order for another 3,000 Bibles. With your help we can do more.